unit egoz in Chinese
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- and unit
- 与单元; 与门
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- on unit
- 接通单元; 实时
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- or unit
- 或门; 或闸
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- unit
- n. 1.个体,一个,一人。 2.(计值、组织、机构)单位;单元;小组,分部;【军事】部队;分队。 3.【机械工程】机组,装置;元件,部件,附件;一组用具[设备]。 4.【数学】单位数;最小整数;基数。 短语和例子 the guerrilla units 游击队。 army units 陆军部队。 international electrical units 国际...
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- unit-t
- 联德视察组
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What is the meaning of unit egoz in Chinese and how to say unit egoz in Chinese? unit egoz Chinese meaning, unit egoz的中文,unit egoz的中文,unit egoz的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net.